Mastering Your New Year Business Goals And Planning
- Erica Pires
- December 28, 2021
- Business
The beginning of a new year is the most natural time for people and businesses to dream of a fresh start. However, dreaming is not going to bring about any changes or evoke unplanned success. But, making intentional actions and planning towards your new year business goals just might get you to the threshold. We have compiled a few guidelines to get your business off to a great start this year!
Know Your Why
Before you make plans for the new year, think about your why. Too many people blindly seek after goals without analyzing why they want to accomplish them. Though every good goal starts from the mind and has a reason that makes accomplishing that task appealing. When your business goals align with your personal why your drive to accomplish them becomes stronger. If your business seeks to make a purposeful change in your industry, to generally help people, or just to provide a generally sought-after service, this may be part of your why. When you think about your goals in this way you become more motivated to see them through. This process might also reveal that some of your goals may not align with what you value. If you hit this roadblock, it may be time to reassess.
Prioritize Business Needs
Get the most out of your new year goals by prioritizing the tasks your business really needs. You can prioritize by time, importance, or many other factors. Think about it this way, if you get to the end of the year and you have only accomplished a few goals, but they were all much-needed goals, your business will prosper. On the other hand, if you just accomplish wants or less important goals your business might not have progressed much during the year. The ideal situation would be to accomplish a balance of priority and secondary goals, with the percentage of priority goals taking the lead.
Identify Pitfalls
Determining what can go wrong is a step that is often missed in goal planning. It’s better to be ahead of pitfalls than to be caught by surprise when they may arise. From all of your business goals, think about what could stop you from achieving them. There might be underlying problems in your business, industry, employees, funding, or more. Though once you critically analyze the possible problems you can figure out a plan to prevent them from occurring or simply have a plan of action ready if they do happen to occur. The more prepared you are the more goals you will be able to master.
Create Deadlines
Goals without deadlines rarely get accomplished. Some key differences between goals and dreams are that you actively work towards goals, while you just think and fantasize about dreams. If you are really putting effort into reaching your destination this year, make sure you give yourself some guidelines. List out your goals, prioritize them, and then set two dates, one to start working on it, and the other to have the plan or entire goal accomplished. This allows you to put action towards your tasks. To add a little heat to your mission, keep your current goals somewhere where you can not miss seeing them every morning. This will give a constant reminder to make sure you stay accountable.
Create Accountability Incentives
Failing to be accountable is the quickest way to deter your goals. Our strongest advice is to not let this happen, by putting accountability measures in place. If you have employees get them involved in your goals, this will not only contribute to your business goals as a whole but motivate you to stay on track since there are other people involved. Another avenue could be to share your goals with your family and have them check up on your progress from time to time. Figure out who and what will help you stay accountable and implement it. Don’t forget to create a plan of action for when you find yourself falling off track, and enjoy some incentives when you are killing your goals!
Check out our other blog articles and payment solutions to help you stay on top of your business goals here:
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